Are you speaking my language?
One of the things I help leaders to do is be really clear on what their ‘audience’ needs from them. Whether that’s their team members, their peers, their boss, their stakeholders, their customers. Too much time is wasted when you’re not speaking their language.
Similarly, I’m really clear on what my audience wants from me.
You’re in my community because you’re good at what you do and you care deeply about leading well.
And you want to:
- Lead more and firefight less
- Make a bigger difference without changing who you are
- Build more confidence and reduce self doubt
- Influence others more quickly and easily
- Be more ‘leaderlike’ and be taken much more seriously at the top table
- Communicate clearly, succinctly and less ambiguously (saving oodles of time).
- Dump the things that drain your time and energy
- Achieve more without working harder or longer
I’ve just written a book to help you to do all of this. It’s what I’ve been helping leaders with for over twenty years. It’s the book I wish I had when I was leading my global team.
If you’re saying ‘Lynn, I’d love to do all of this but chance would be a fine thing’, I hear you.
I know that one of your biggest challenges and frustrations is wondering how on earth you’re going to ‘get it all done’.
You started today hyper-aware of all the plates you’ve got to juggle. No chance of pressing snooze or crawling back under the duvet.
And right now, there’s shopping to do, food to cook, presents to buy, family to organise – all while trying to get to the bottom of your never-ending priority list.
You’ve already ploughed through dozens of emails, notifications, ‘can you spare me a minute today – urgent’ requests and you can feel the pressure mounting.
And that turkey won’t buy itself.
Before you even got to here, maybe you had to fight your way through the howling wind and the driving rain only to find that your train’s been cancelled (again) or you’re stuck on a gridlocked road going nowhere.
In fact ‘going nowhere’ is paradoxically how you feel about your leadership life right now.
You’re trying not to drown in your inbox – but there’s way less ‘leadership’ happening than you’d like.
‘It’s just the way it is. Everybody feels the same. We’re all so busy’.
And yet…..
A little voice in your head is telling you you’re not showcasing you at your best. At your most inspirational or confident or calm or ‘leaderlike.’ (Because that’s who you can be when you set your mind to it.)
Something has to change in 2025.
But how?
Deep down you know you’re meant for more.
Deep down you know there’s a better way.
And you’re right. There is.
It’s one of the reasons I wrote Leader Unlocked: How to grow your confidence, influence and impact for leadership success.
If you want 2025 to be different, this is a book you’ll want to get hold of.
And I’m making it accessible to everyone with a very special launch price of 99p (Kindle/digital version) on 9 January on Amazon.
If you want in, Click here to get on the Book Buyers VIP list and you’ll get all the details very soon.
To your success. And a wonderful festive break.