12 February 2021

Why am I even here?

This is not an existential question about the meaning of life. Not today anyway. It’s much more about that thing... View Article

5 February 2021

To people pleasers everywhere

Are you a people pleaser? Always putting everyone else before yourself? How’s that working for you? Resentment, anger, annoyance, teeth-gritting... View Article

15 January 2021

Be Safe and Care

Before Christmas, I put together some tips and ideas from my Effortless Leader Facebook Community on leading our teams through lockdown. You... View Article

4 December 2020

You vs. You

In my very first coach training programme 20 or so years ago I was introduced to Timothy Gallwey’s Inner Game... View Article

13 November 2020

Can I trust you?

Would you be offended if anyone asked you that question – or even thought it? It’s rare that people ask... View Article