Don’t be like ‘Dan’
Let me tell you a story about Dan. (Not his real name!)
A friend, Dan, showed me his work calendar a few months ago.
Stuffed full of meetings. He decided he would take back control, say no to the meetings that he could delegate or dump, block out some focus time to think and off he went. I advised him to get some coaching support for several reasons (I won’t coach my friends), and he said he would ‘think about it.’ (When people say they want to ‘think about it,’ they normally mean ‘I don’t want to think about it at all’!)
Anyway – eight months later – what’s changed?

He’s still in ‘oh poor me, look how busy I am’ mode.
I can see why his boss is so frustrated with him. He talks a lot about how much he has to do and why he can’t deliver on this thing or that thing because of how busy he is. If he invested all that energy into making the changes he spoke about all those months ago, he’d be well ahead of the game now.
Instead of which, he’s exhausted and overwhelmed.
He just needs to decide to get off the treadmill and do something different.
This is totally within his gift to change.
So why won’t he?
I know the answer to that and I bet you do, too.
Hey, no judgement here. But nothing changes until you decide it will.
And then you start with one small step to get you wherever you want to go.
That’s it!
To your success, always.