DON’T leave it with me!

Team member: ‘Have you got a minute?’
You: ‘Go on……’
30 minutes later you’re behind schedule and seem to have landed a big monkey on your back and a mountain of tasks on your already bulging to-do list.
So many leaders love the idea of a ‘coaching approach’ to leadership but believe it can ‘take too long’ or else they just slip into the auto-pilot of reactive problem solving.
There is another way – even when you’re pushed for time.
This is how it works.
Team Member: Have you got a minute?
You: I’ve got 10 minutes – What do you need?
And then:
You: What’s the most useful thing we can do in these 10 minutes to help you move forward?
Result? Team member decides what they need to take the first step towards their solution and you leave without the monkey.
Try it – it really does work.