If I’m not busy, who am I?

| 2 August 2024

If you’re on holiday in August, I hope you enjoy some well-deserved R&R.

I live in southern France and August is when family and friends visit so much of our time is spent running what feels like a mini hotel. And it’s joyful because we get to spend time with people we love enjoying lazy days and long, leisurely dinners. The seasonal produce is mouth-watering and there are plenty of ‘open caves’ evenings where we can sample different wines and foods, listen to music, and enjoy the sunshine.

I love cooking, and all of our family and friends help with prepping, washing up, and all the other chores that go with producing those long, lazy meals.

But I know people (and I used to be one of them) who find it hard to relax when they’re away. Sneaky peek at emails in the bathroom, the odd Teams call to ‘stay in the loop’, a quick look at that report that’s due when you’re back at work. 

So what’s that all about?

I recently asked the question, ‘If I’m not busy, who am I?’ in my Facebook group and got some interesting responses:

Without all the busyness I was someone who had forgotten how to function without stress.’

‘When I sat with myself being less busy, I had to face up to some uncomfortable truths.’

‘I gauge my worth relative to how ‘useful’ (i.e. busy) I am.’

Of course, being aware of this and the impact of those ‘must be busy’ beliefs is the first step to changing things – if you want to.

And it is very possible to change those things —even if your organisation is ‘chaotic’ and everyone runs around telling you how busy they are. All it means is that they don’t have clear priorities or boundaries.

Be very unimpressed with this BS and don’t collude with it.

If you’re ready to make an impact without filling your inbox and calendar with tedious meetings, I’ve got just the thing.

You can find all the details here.  We start in September.

This programme is for you if you’re committed to being less ‘busy’ and more ‘impactful’.

To your success always.