Keep your eye on the prize (you’re worth it)
Happy New Year.
It’s a funny old time of year, isn’t it?
Did you take the whole of the festive period off or do you love to catch up on work when it’s quiet?
Or maybe Christmas and New Year is your busy period?
However you’re spending your time right now, I can imagine you’re thinking ahead to 2025.
What you want to do differently. What you want to change. How you want your life to be. What you want more of.
This is one of the times of year I like to think about the best version of me and what she looks like one year from now.
- What is she doing?
- How is she spending her time?
- What has she let go of?
That future version of me is not some perfect specimen – she’s me a few steps further on from where I am today.
This time last year, I knew I wanted to get my book out into the world. I’d been thinking about it since 2017. I’d even started to write it but something was off.
So this time last year I decided that Future Me would be an author.
‘I am an author’. I told myself, visualising myself saying this in December of this year.
I stuck a post-it note to my screen with those words on to get my reticular activating system on board. (I tell you about that in the book.)
Making that decision and paying attention to it every day galvanised me into action.
It stretched my comfort zone.
I experienced many moments of self-doubt and ‘will it be good enough?’
But I made my belief in myself and what I was writing stronger than my fear.
‘I am a published author.’ It feels so good to say that.
What would you love to be saying this time next year? Or six months from now?
If you want to unlock everything I know you’re capable of (without adding more to your to do list) you’ll want to get your hands on the book. It’ll show you exactly how to create your version of Future You step by step.
And you’ll definitely want to get the book for the special launch price on 9 January.
Put the date in your calendar and click on this link. You’ll get all the details next week.
Future You will thank you.