Save your mental energy – close the open loops.

| 26 July 2024

Your ‘big rock’ or top priority might not be what you think it is. 

In my last Lead with Confidence group, we loved  Big Rock Monday (you know, that Covey reminder to focus on the big rocks first—the essential things—rather than the minutiae or the sand and pebbles). 

I didn’t realise until I had an unexpectedly free couple of days how much my office clutter was getting in the way of my clear thinking—a clear desk, a clear mind, and all that. 

So, two days of sorting, shredding, tidying, and throwing out were the order of the day. I can’t tell you how much lighter I feel. 

A disorganised environment contributes to a cluttered brain and time wasted when you can’t find things. But I’d been putting the de-cluttering task on the back burner because it didn’t seem ‘important’. Turns out it was a rock, not a pebble. 

Those open loops can be exhausting—sometimes, they’re clutter, and sometimes, they’re all the things we hold in our heads but don’t get around to doing. We don’t realise how exhausting this is until we close the loops and find a lovely clear space in our brains. 

Marie Kondo was on to something. 

Here’s to your success and more sparking joy.