Six things to let go of in 2025
3 January 2025
| In my leadership coaching work, there are six things I see time and time again that prevent good leaders from having the influence, momentum and impact they deserve.
Which means things are taking longer than they should.
Do any of these sound familiar?
- You’re so worried about being seen as a ‘critical parent’ that you give away your authority. (Demonstrating authority is not the same as being authoritarian.)
- You’re so focused or anxious about your own performance or how you’re coming across that you lose yourself (and others) in the process.
- You find it hard to be succinct as you like to think out loud.
- You forget the bit about compassion, curiosity and empathy when you’re under pressure or people are (you think) not playing ball.
- You’re too ‘people pleasy, like me, don’t reject me’ that your message gets lost in all the cotton wool and you’re not taken seriously.
- You don’t share ideas, opinions or viewpoints and you don’t ask questions if you’re worried about what people might think.
You are not alone.
And all of this is fixable.
You’ll learn how when you get my book Leader Unlocked: How to grow your confidence, influence and impact for Leadership Success.
It’s available on Amazon from 9 January. And there will be a special 99p launch day price for the Kindle/digital version of the book (the paperback version will be available). It’s a no brainer if I do say so myself.
Click here if you want to be notified on 9 January when the book is available.
And hot-foot it to Chapters 12 and 13 if you’re ready to have more influence and impact this year.