The power of one word

| 12 July 2024

If you’ve been in my Facebook community for a while, you’ll know how much I bang the drum about the power of our thoughts. 

What brought this home to me in a huge way recently was the client who said:

‘I want to confront Sam about his poor performance but I’ve been avoiding it for ages.’

The unhelpful thought or assumption is that the conversation will be a confrontation.

No wonder he’s been avoiding it.

I asked him to do two things:

One – Turn the thought on its head. 

He chose:  ‘I will have an open and honest conversation about my expectations with Sam and it’ll help both of us.’

Two – Write his expectations down clearly so they are unambiguous.

Why does this work?

When we have certain thoughts it’s easy to worry, catastrophise and avoid things. Choosing a ‘better’ thought can change how we feel and prepare us to do something that will move us forward – a tiny step is a great start.

When you think, ‘My boss won’t give me a pay rise, so there’s no point in asking,’ you’re not going to get that salary increase. You look and feel defeated, resigned, and undervalued.

When you think, ‘I’ve got three great reasons why I’m worthy of a pay rise,’ you stand a fighting chance.  You look and feel hopeful, motivated and worthy.

Let your thoughts work for you, not against you.

Your thoughts really do create your reality.