Two questions a day will shift how you lead forever.

| 23 August 2024

Those ‘overnight successes’ we read about are successful because they stuck at something even when it was tough and they faced setbacks or brick walls.  They did stuff even when it felt too hard or didn’t feel like it.

‘The more I practice, the luckier I get’ is a good reminder (a quote attributed to many different sports people!).

When it comes to creating those success habits, though, we are often hard on ourselves—overpromising and underdelivering and then beating ourselves up.

One of the things we do in my Lead with Confidence programmes is create new habits.  This is so much more than ‘mindset work’ – it’s mindset work on steroids!

You’ll pay attention to two critical questions at the beginning of every day.  

When you pay attention to those questions, your days will feel different.

  • You’re more in control, less headless chicken.
  • Your boundaries are stronger.
  • You are more leaderlike.
  • You notice any misalignment between your stated priorities and how you spend your day.
  • Your identity starts to shift, which means your confidence blossoms. 

Yep, the more you practise, the ‘luckier’ you’ll get.

Focusing on these two questions is the golden thread that runs through this three-month programme – none of this  ‘cram as much information as you can into two days and then go back and change nothing’ learning.

This stuff helps you build those belief muscles and helps your brain rewire those neural pathways.

Of course, I give you the tools to show up with more impact, tame your inner critic, have conversations that save time, build trust, and get the right things done.

But there’s nothing that beats starting the day with my two questions. (By the way, they take no longer than 15 minutes to answer.)

So, if you’re ready to become the leader you deserve to be, come and join us in this intimate programme. Learning in a safe, confidential environment with a group of like-minded leaders who support and encourage each other is gold.